
cmiVFX | Houdini Flocking Systems(Houdini中Flocking Systems教学)中英文翻译服务

类别 视频教学介绍//
名称 cmiVFX | Houdini Flocking Systems(Houdini中Flocking Systems教学)
编号 CG-1644
时间 2小时51分


Take particle animation to a new level by integrating proven mathematical formulas to better simulate nature. Imagine thousands of birds in the air, an army of orcs marching on the ground or a school of fish fleeing from a predator. This training will teach the viewer the basic principles of a multi-agent system and how to create crowd simulations in Houdini.

This training focuses on a basic concept of flocking simulations: steering behaviors. The algorithms created by Craig Reynolds can be used to simulate the movements seen in flocks of birds or fish.

This step-by-step training video introduces how steering behaviors work and how one can create complex simulations just by combining simple behaviors. The viewer will learn the common behaviors like "separation" or "cohesion" and how they interact with the agent抯 mind.

As a bonus this tutorial comes with a powerful library of a multi-agent system which you can use to create flocking and crowd simulations.


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