
Gnomon | MEL for Character Animators MEL Programming Techniques with Kevin Mannens(角色动画MEL语言编程)中英文翻译服务

类别 视频教学介绍//MAYA教学
名称 Gnomon | MEL for Character Animators MEL Programming Techniques with Kevin Mannens(角色动画MEL语言编程)
编号 CG-175
时间 9小时

在本教程中,Kevin Mannens 为你讲授如何高效率的运用MEL来完成动画制作流程。通过教程你可以学习国际MEL大师Kevin MANNENS他怎样在Maya三维世界里自由“掌控”着MEL语言。通过本教程MEL动画设计师依赖表达方式可建立用其它角色运动和行为的动画过程,本教程让你掌握用MEL现实Maya高深动画技法,显示出作者MEL艺术的深厚底蕴。同时,作者应用了角色动画与MEL紧密揉合的各种现代手法。让我们在这三张Gnomon MEL教程中共同掌握MEL在CG设计中的奇葩艺术之巅!

In MEL for Character Animators, Kevin Mannens develops a wide variety of scripting techniques designed to speed up your character animation workflow and make your pipeline more efficient. He explains all scripts in an in-depth and step-by-step manner, aimed at making advanced users more productive in their day-to-day tasks. With this DVD, technically oriented animators will become proficient in developing project specific tools that will shave days off each production.

01: Introduction and Refresher
02: km_animControlCleanup:
Cleaning up Character Controls in a Jiffy
03: km_createDummy:
Creating Low-res Objects Based on Joints to Speed up Animation
04: km_rename: A Hierarchy Renamer
05: km_charControls:
Building a Channel Box Integrated Character UI

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