
CG Academy | Intermediate Rigging 2:Spline IK,Arm&Hand Rig(手部动画设置教学)中英文翻译服务

类别 视频教学介绍//
名称 CG Academy | Intermediate Rigging 2:Spline IK,Arm&Hand Rig(手部动画设置教学)
编号 CG-349
时间 2小时30分

这张DVD教学中Paul继续他的怪物索具和使用自定义Spline IK方案来产生一个中心索具,然后他继续制作一个臂部索具来示范二个独特模式用于臂部骨骼转动方案。最后Paul示范如何索具一个手部以及使用自定义特征和MAXScript语言产生一个全面的GUI
  这个DVD教学是针对比较熟悉索具基础诸如IK和FK系统,表达式,Script 和 Reactor控制器等等的3dsmax用户,这张DVD随同这个系列的其它教学是针对通过获得这些基础的技能来提升你的水平,让你建立灵活的,易用的和能快速工作的产品级水平的角色索具

In this DVD Paul continues his Ogre rig with a second approach to producing a spine rig using a custom Spline IK solution. He then moves on to producing an arm rig that demonstrates two unique methods for an arm bone twist solution. Finally Paul demonstrates how to rig a hand and produce a comprehensive GUI for it using custom attributes and MAXScript.

This DVD is aimed at 3dsmax users that are familiar with the basics of rigging such as IK and FK systems, Expression, Script and Reactor Controllers and so on. The DVD along with the others in the series aims to take those fundamentals skills to the next level and to allow you to create production level character rigs that are flexible, easy to use and fast to work with.
Chapter 01: Spline IK
Paul explains what a Spline IK system is, and shows how to setup the spline and the associated bones.

Chapter 02: Controlling Spline IK
And goes on here to show how a control system can be setup to interface.

Chapter 03: Stabilising Spline IK
Due to its use of a spline there can be twisting and stability issues. Here Paul shows how to bring these issues back under control and stabilize them.

Chapter 04: Arm Bones
Paul shows how to setup the characters arm bone rig.

Chapter 05: Control Objects and HI IK
We now create the arm control objects and setup the history independent inverse kinematic system.

Chapter 06: Twisting with Constraints
The lower arm twist system is setup.
Chapter 07: Extracting Rotations
The upper arm twist system is implemented and Paul shows how to extract rotations to facilitate it.

Chapter 08: Hand Bones
Paul creates the hand bones.

Chapter 09: Custom Hand Control Interface
And the custom attribute controls are applied to the hand control objects.

Chapter 10: Wiring the Fingers
Paul shows how to wire up all of the fingers to the controls

Chapter 11: Wiring the Thumb
And finally the thumb is wired up to complete the hand rigging.

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