
Digital Tutors | Introduction to mental ray in Maya 2009(MAYA 2009中Mental ray入门)中英文翻译服务

类别 视频教学介绍//
名称 Digital Tutors | Introduction to mental ray in Maya 2009(MAYA 2009中Mental ray入门)
编号 CG-545
软件版本 : MAYA 2009
时间 4小时


通过本教学您将学习模拟物理上准确的光线并且渲染各种不同的物体表面,并且让您对这个高性能的工具有个综合的了解,本教学还介绍了MAYA 2009中Mental ray的新功能,本教学包含了4个小时的教学内容

Start seeing better results. Learn practical workflows to simulating physically accurate lighting and rendering various surface types and gain a comprehensive overview of the high performance tools and new features of mental ray in Maya 2009. Contains nearly 4 hours of project-based training and step-by-step recipes for new artists.

Popular highlights include:

    * Overview of mental ray
    * Global Illumination
    * Emitting GI Photons from Light Sources
    * Photon Energy and Decay Parameters
    * Final Gather
    * Controlling Final Gather Accuracy
    * Adding Secondary Final Gather Bounces
    * Mixing Final Gather and Global Illumination
    * Saving and Reusing Lighting Data
    * Importons
    * Irradiance Particles
    * Portal Lights
    * Image-based Lighting
    * HDR Exposure Controls
    * Caustics
    * Emitting Caustic Photons from Lights
    * Subsurface Scattering Shader
    * Ambient Occlusion Shader
    * mental ray Architectural Materials
    * Render Passes for Multi-pass Rendering
    * Creating Pass Contribution Maps

Lesson Outline:
1.  Introduction and Project Overview  1:51
2.  Render Settings changes in Maya 2009  2:10
3.  Using Global Illumination  14:17
4.  Using Final Gather  16:05
5.  Using Global Illumination and Final Gather together  5:51
6.  Saving and reusing indirect lighting information  12:15
7.  Image-based lighting using mental ray IBL  12:17
8.  Alternative workflow for image-based lighting  11:52
9.  Simulating caustic light patterns  14:56
10.  Working with mental ray architectural materials  15:09
11.  Using mental ray photonic materials  8:13
12.  Exploring displacement approximations  14:08
13.  Overview of Subsurface Scattering  15:32
14.  Incorporating Physical Sun and Sky shaders  6:39
15.  Utilizing Portal Lights  9:16
16.  Overview of Render Layers  11:44
17.  Understanding Render Passes  11:47
18.  Setting up pass Contribution Maps  7:40
19.  Using Importons and Irradiance Particles  19:10
20.  Utilizing photographic exposure controls  13:31   

Total Run Time: 3:44:32

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