
Digital tutors | Stereoscopic 3D in Maya(MAYA立体成像术教学)中英文翻译服务

类别 视频教学介绍//
名称 Digital tutors | Stereoscopic 3D in Maya(MAYA立体成像术教学)
编号 CG-546
软件版本 : MAYA 2009
时间 2小时




Stereoscopic 3D是一种立体成像技术,佩戴专用的立体眼镜,平面的3D游戏或电影在观看者眼中就摇身一变成为真正的立体世界。人类的眼睛十分容易被骗,拿着用玻璃纸制作的红蓝色 3D眼镜,透过左右眼过滤了不同的颜色,所看到的图像就变成立体。本教学将教授给大家MAYA2009中的stereoscopic 3D立体成像术,学习自由控制MAYA像机,角色,环境的使用来制作这个在电影业最强大的特效.

Create audience excitement and interactive experiences. Learn practical workflows to making stereoscopic 3D imagery with Maya 2009 and gain total control over the camera, characters, and environments to create one of the most powerful effects in cinema. Contains over 2 hours of project-based training and step-by-step examples for any artist.

Popular highlights include:

    * Stereoscopy Overview
    * Rules of Safe Stereo
    * Anaglyph Filtering
    * Previewing Stereo Images
    * Zero Parallax
    * Interaxial Separation
    * Frustrum
    * Customizing a Safe Volume
    * Creating Custom Stereo Rigs
    * Rendering Stereo Images
    * Compositing Stereo Pairs in After Effects
    * Anaglyph Effects in Photoshop
    * Loading Built-in Stereo Rigs
    * Python Scripting to Modify Stereo Rigs
    * Stereo Camera Settings and Defaults
    * Off-Axis Camera Types
    * Converged Camera Types
    * Parallel Stereo Camera Types
    * Extending Maya Stereo Camera with Expressions
    * Cross Converged Viewing
    * Parallel Pair Viewing

Lesson Outline:
1.  Introduction and Project Overview  1:37
2.  Creating a Stereo Image  9:38
3.  Learning to render Stereo pairs  9:02
4.  Defining Stereoscopic  1:12
5.  Explaining the different types of filters  4:44
6.  Controlling Zero Parallax and Interaxial Separations  8:03
7.  Covering the rules of Stereo  3:49
8.  Utilzing Stereo Display Controls  7:09
9.  Creating custom safe Stereo guide  8:37
10.  Working with a converged Stereo camera  6:32
11.  Using the parallel Stereo camera  2:58
12.  Loading custom Stereo camera rigs  10:15
13.  Creating a custom Stereo rig using Python  4:20
14.  Setting default values in the custom Stereo rig  9:26
15.  Adding expressions to the custom Stereo rig  7:51
16.  Setting up Shelf Buttons to automate the custom camera  6:48
17.  Creating an Anaglyph image in Photoshop  8:03
18.  Building an Anaglyph image sequence in After Effects  2:56
19.  Creating a Stereo pipeline for color corrections  9:00
Total Run Time: 2:02:17

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